Monday, September 26, 2011

Self Reflection

Please post your answers in the comment section below. Make sure that you have your names.

Monday, September 12, 2011


- For the first video, I think the most apt title is "Filial Piety" as the son was not dutiful to his mother in the beginning of the story and in the end, the son learns to be dutiful to his mother. For the second video, the boy was humiliated by his friends while doing his errands and so wanted to be paid for his errands. In the end, the boy learns of what is more important and treasures, so the most apt title would be "Love is the most important of all"
Video 1
- (i) The mother sacrificed the time she would have to spent with her son, so that her son would be able to complete his work.
- (ii) The son sacrificed he time that he would have needed to complete his work so as to be able to spend time with
Video 2
- (i) The father sacrificed a lot of time, money and "sacrificed" some love and requested nothing in exchange.
- (ii) The son realized that the parents sacrificed a lot for him and he owes a lot to them.

Goh Jia Sheng - 1.1

What do you think is the most apt title for the videos? 1st. Being Filial to your parents as it is about being filial to the parents for example his mother and the 2nd.  Prayers because in the end the son prayed lots of times etc.
(i) The mother allowed the son to go to town to use the internet to do his work although he just got back and she had made clothes and cook a special fish special for him.

(ii) After realizing his mistake from listening to the old man, he stopped his work and went back home to celebrate hari rays with his mother.

(i) The father spent lots of money to raise his son but he did not ask the son to pay him back.

(ii) The son got humiliated by his friends while running errands for his father and he complained to him by writing a letter stating the money he owes the son.

Teo Yi Lin - 1.1


[a] Selfless Mother and Son

[b] Care from the Father


[i] Her time when she did the clothes for her son and her son being not able to be with her

[ii] Not being able to be with his mother


[i] Money to raise his son [and the total being 'for no charge' because he love his son]

[ii] Him saying his prayers for his father [for no charge because he love his father]

Tay Pei Shan - 1.1

Sorry i forgot the other two questions.

Most apt title : Filial piety

Why : It shows the relationship between father and son, and mother and son. It shows how the children should be grateful to their parents and that they should be filial to their parents. 

CE Video Review 1.1 - Benz Kew

I think the most apt title for the first video is "Filial Piety practiced by Muslims" and for the second video "Proper way of treating your loved ones".

For video 1,
The sacrifices made by the mother:
1. She allowed her son to leave the house for a night.
2. She let her son to sleep in her master bed room while she sleeps in the back room.
3. She helped her son to clean his soiled clothes.

The sacrifices made by the son:
1. He needed internet and decided to go to a hotel to get a line.
2. He wanted to reject his mother's offer of sleeping on her bed.
3. He understood her mother and went back home from the hotel without internet.

For video 2,
The sacrifices made by the father:
1. He did not scold his son for being rebellious.
2. He cared for his son in a different way.
3. He asked his wife to stop scolding him and calm down.

Reflections - Abilash

The most apt title would be - Unconditional Love. As the love between the parents and the children have no terms and conditions and the parents know how to forgive and forget. The mother in the first video had showed affection to the child by cooking and making new clothes for him despite him having to rush off for work. The son had soon learnt the value of such affectionate parents and had returned back to visit his mother and apologize and appreciate her love. In the second video the father had spent unconditionally on his son.


Nur Shamemi_1.1

What do you think is the most apt title for this video ?

First video - Filial Piety

Second video - Teaching the right way

Why ? 

The first video demonstrates filial piety practised by the muslims and therefore it is an apt title.

The second video demonstrates teaching a child moral values where the child would truly learn ethics properly, hence it is an apt title.

From the video 1, discuss about the sacrifices shown by (i) mother and (ii) son.

(i) Though it was Hari Raya, the mother's son had wanted to go to town where there is internet to complete his work. Even though she would have felt a little disappointed, she still happily allowed him to go. Also, he did not want to pack food that she had cooked for him. Even so, she did not mind as she understood that her son needed to do his work.

(ii) After understanding his mother's feelings about him going over for Hari Raya, he made the sacrifice to head back home instead of staying in town for internet so that he could spend time with his mother on that day.

From the video 2, discuss about the sacrifices shown by (i) father and (ii) son.

(i) The father had spent alot of money on raising his son but he did not want anything in return, claiming "no charge" as his love for his son was priceless.

(ii) The son had realised what he had done was wrong as he thought that by paying his dad money, it would mean that he owed them nothing but actually he owes his father alot for the love and care showered upon him over the years since he was born.

Darryl Lam-1.1

1st Video: Filial to parents
i) The mother did not get angry even though her son did not accept the fish and the outfit she specially made for her son. 
ii)After realising his mistake he returned home to celebrate hari raya with his mother.

2nd Video: Love is priceless
i)Although the father spent alot of money raising his son he did not ask any money in return for all the money he spent raising his son
ii)THe son got humiliated by his friends while running some errands for his father.

Tay Pei Shan - 1.1

(i) The mother allowed the son to go to town to use the internet and do his work although she made clothes for him and cooked him a special fish for raya. She also had to be home alone and celebrate hari raya alone.

(ii) After the old man poured his sorrows to him, he realised that although his mother said she was ok, she was actually lonely and misses him, so he stopped his work and went back home to celebrate hari raya.

(i) The father spent a lot of money to raise the son but he did not ask the son to pay him back. 

(ii) The son got humiliated by his friends while running an errand for the father and he felt that it was his father's fault, so he asked his father to repay him.

Teoh Yun S202 [08] 1.1

-Most apt title
    -Malay filial piety

Video 1:
Mother: the clothes she made , the special fish that she cooked
Son: To go back home despite the fact that there is no internet at home and that he cannot work at home.
Video 2:
Father: Money 
Son: Getting embarrassed in front of his friends

Carisa Chan - 1.1

What do you think is the most apt title for this video?

Filial Piety.


The video teaches us that filial piety is important and reminds us that we should be filial to our parents.

From the video 1. discuss about the sacrifices shown by (i) mother and (ii) son.

The mother sacrificed spending time with her son. The son sacrificed going back home despite the lack of Internet so he could not do this work.

From the video 2. discuss about the sacrifices shown by (i) father and (i) son.

The father sacrificed time and money to take care of the son. The son sacrificed time to walk and buy things for the father, and time to prayer for the father.

Priyanka - Video review

What do you think is the most apt title for this video?

For video 1: No Anger, just mother's love
(i) She gave up her own room and slept at the back room
(ii) The son had to go out to do his work and use the internet

Video 2: I will spend anything for you, no charge!
(i) The father had to spend a lot of money to raise his son
(ii) The son had to do the shopping and get humiliated.

Hari Raya!!!

B) it shows the relationship diverging and coming back together, as a family, and a house is not a home, but it's the people inside that are the home.
C) they both have sacrificed a lot. The son had to sacrifice working time because he wants to be with his mother, where the mother had cooked and sewed many things for the son, but was okay when he had to work.

D) the father had to sacrifice his love shown to train his son, and his son had to run the trip to the store

Thank XD
Zheng Jie Teng
Sent from my iPad

Karan Sarat 1.1

Most apt title for the video?
Video 1: Muslim Culture: Mutual respect within the family
Video 2: Muslim Culture: 

Video 1(i): She sacrificed time with her son, the special fish and clothes she prepared for him.
             (ii): He sacrificed doing up his work to spend time with his mother.

Video 2(i): He sacrificed money and time to raise his son.
             (ii): He got embarrassed as his friends saw him running errands for his dad. He send time and energy doing the errands for his dad.

Su En - 1.1 Video Review

What do you think is the most appropriate title for this video?
First Video: Parents' Suffering
Second Video: The Price

The first video shows that the parents suffer from being so far from the child, but yet some of them just tolerate it.
The second video shows that the price taken to raise a child is a lot. But the parents do not want money back as it is priceless. 

From the video 1, discuss about the sacrifices shown by
(i) Mother
Missing the Son and doing umpteen things for the Son, though accumulating nothing. 
(ii) Son
Pausing the work for the family.

From the video 2, discuss about the sacrifices shown by
(i) Father
Spending a lot of money to raise the Son.
(ii) Son
Being humiliated (as what he thought) in front of the friends but knowing how to repent.

Yuzhe - 1.1

The 2 videos show Malay ethnics, as it shows how the family members made sacrifices for each other.

In video 1, the mother allowed her son to go to the city to do work, despite it being Hari Raya and her making food and buying clothing for her son already. The son went back home after realizing the mistake of him leaving.

In video 2, the father made a lot of sacrifices for his son, like changing the son's diaper, and did not charge a single cent for it. The son helped his father by buying the things that they want, and constantly prayed for his dad.

Jaime Pang-1.1

Apt title: Giving without receiving
(i) give up her room
(ii) give up his internet access to spend time with mother

(i) willing to give unlimited amount of finances to his son because of his infinite amount of love for his son
(ii) humiliated by friends

Video Review - Christopher Nah

What do you think is the most apt title for this video?
Petronas Advert: The spirit of Hari Raya.

The video tells us and lets us understand the values involved in the Malay Culture.

From video 1, Discuss the sacrifices shown by (i) mother and (ii) son.
The mother allowed the son to stay in town in order for him to do his work, although she was upset to do so.

The son realised his mistakes and kept on calling his mom regretfully. He then rushed home to express his love for his mother.

From video 2, Discuss the sacrifices shown by (i) father and (ii) son.
The father wrote a letter to his son explaining the total cost of bringing him up, all free of charge, as well as telling him how much he love him.

The son realised his mistakes and continually prayed for and respected his father throughout his life.

Hao En 1.1

Although the mother has prepared an outfit and cooked specially for her son, the son didn't want to have any of it. But she did not get angry, and instead understood why her son chose it. The son sacrificed his work at the end to spend time with his mum.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Ethical Dilemmas Scenario 1

Can you answer Georgia's question at the end? Is there such a thing as an ethical compromise?
There are no such thing as an ethical compromise. If it is not ethical, we should not do it. An ethical compromise, if there is such a thing, is the bending of rules of ethical values for that moment to enable the person to do something against his/her ethical values.

What do you think about Georgia's point about how it is unfair that she works so hard but isn't rewarded for her work? Do you feel she should be given more leeway for making the choice she did?

Instead of concentrating so much of her effort on understanding, she should learn how to divide her efforts to learn to both understand and learn how to answer questions.

Have you ever had someone cheat off of you? What did it feel like? How did you handle it? Would you handle it the same way if you could re-live the same situation?
No one have ever cheated off me, if they did, they must have did it so sneakily that I did not realize it. Naturally, I would immediately report it to a person with a higher position, for most cases in schools, that would be a teacher. Yes, I would handle it the same way.

Given the list of five reasons (above) that U.S. students say they cheat, which make more sense to you than others? Can you relate to any of them personally?

It benefits my family and it's for a good cause make more sense, because a person would want to benefit his or her own family. Also, if it's for a good cause, the person might have meant well but did the wrong thing (cheat).

What should Georgia do? Should she tell her teacher what she did?

Yes she should tell her teacher about it, because if not she will have a guilty conscience and she will feel guilty for a long period of time. If she tells the teacher, she will not feel so guilty because she has admitted that she cheated.

What would you do in this situation? Would you cheat? If so, could you do it and feel okay given the situation?

I would try my best to answer to the questions in the test even if I am not a strong test-taker. I would not cheat because it is unethical and I would have to learn how to be a strong test-taker and not cheat every time I needed answers.

Lionel, Yu Zhe, Carisa and Abilash

CE Lesson Scenerio 3 [25/4/2011]

1. Which of the options David lists for responding to this dilemma makes the most sense to you? Is there another better idea he may not be thinking of?

He should talk to the teacher he really respected. Another idea is to just talk to the boy who got insulted.

2. What would you do in this situation? If you think it depends what the photo consists of, where would you draw the line? Why? Can you explain?

I would draw the line when they edited his photo and write hurtful comments on it. As long as they had photoshopped his picture, it is destroying his self-esteem.

3. Do you think people should be able to say anything they want if they feel they are on a list that holds their confidentiality? Why? Why not?

 I think people should not be able to say anything they want if they feel they are on a list that holds their confidentiality. The words may hurt the person who got bulled if they found out about it and may report to an adult. They will be enemies and people will not want to get influenced or involved in situations.

4. Have you or someone you know ever been in a similar situation? What happened? How do you feel about how the situation was handled?

No, I have not seen a similar situation but I know there is in our class where their relationships. I think the situation was handled by just forgetting what happen and become friends again. There is always conflict between friendship or there is a misunderstanding which prevents them to be together again.

5. Have you ever felt uncomfortable about something but couldn't exactly explain why? How did you react to your discomfort? Ignore it? Act on it? How?

Yes, I felt uncomfortable because somewhat I felt guilty because I was the one who introduced something to that person and she was negatively influenced. I acted on it by telling her to stop.

6. If any of the rest of the class or school community gains access to the page with the boy's photo, do you think the school should discipline the boys? Is this a school issue? Why/why not?

Yes. It is a school issue because if it is leaked and lead to public, it will affect the school's identity, nation's identity and affect family and friends which will cause huge loss to the school and if they ever repeat the same mistake again they will eventually lead to expulsion.

7. Is this a community issue if no one but the boys ever see it?

Yes, because the boys will think that this behavior is correct and continue with it even after they grow up. This will concern other people if they continue doing the same thing.

Group Members: Darryl Lam Wei Cheng, Teo Yi Lin, Benz Kew

Scenario Five

Scenario Five -

Question One: He could make sense by weighing the pros and cons. He did not think about the teachers and students who were affected and only thought that if he told who the real person was, the relationship between he and his friends would be even worse.

Question Two: Derrick's responsibility is to do the correct thing.

Question Three: By telling the principal, it is doing the right thing for their future, but yet not telling the principal is honoring the promise he made to them about not telling it to anyone.

Question Four: I would tell the principal. The choice would affect the 3 students and all the other people who were brought down by them.

Question Five: If I didn't report them three and in the end the principal asks me and discovered that I knew the identities before hand, it will leave a bad impression.

Question Six: I won't feel much as they are doing the wrong thing, By reporting them is also doing them good.

Question Seven: No I have never.

Question Eight: Yes there is as the community would come first. If the friend is doing something bad, we must try to change and help that friend. But yet if the friend turns on you, you don't need such a friend.

Scenario 1. :D

Can you answer Georgia's question at the end? Is there such a thing as
an ethical compromise?

She should tell the teacher about it and face the consequences
instead. Even if she can get away scot-free, it would affect her
conscience. There IS such a thing as an ethical compromise, which
means that when you do something wrong, you would compromise on the
account of what is ethically right to you and make things right.

What do you think about Georgia's point about how it is unfair that
she works so hard but isn't rewarded for her work? Do you feel she
should be given more leeway for making the choice she did?

I'd say that it is not her fault that she is not a strong-taker, and
it is rather unfair that she tries her best and she CAN do it without
the stress, but she can't do it during her test. However, a mistake is
still a mistake and she should face the consequences respectively for
what she did.

Did someone cheat off of you? What did it feel like? How did you
handle the situation? Would you handle it the same way if you could
re-live the situation?
No, but i think i will be vry disappointed in that person. I would
leave it to the teacher to handle the situation because I cannot do
much to him.

Given the 5 reasons above from the U.S students say they cheat, which
makes more sense to you than others? Can you relate to any of them?
I think that we should not even be cheating even if there is the
temptation because it is Wrong.

What should Georgia do? Should she tell her teacher what she did?

Georgia should confess and tell the teacher what her situation is and
what she is going through, she should seek help and not keep it to
herself, so she can improve on her condition.

What would you do in this situation? Would you cheat? If so, could you
do it and feel okay given the situation?

I would cheat if I put myself in her shoes. But if I really did I, I
will keep it to myself, reflect and don't do the same in the future.

CE Scenario 4 (Zheng Jie,Karan,Jurvis,Jaime)

What is Bernadette's dilemma?
She got confused as her dad told her that sometimes its okay to lie as long as nobody gets hurt. Cheating on her test hurt nobody and she didn't steal the answers from any of the other students. If she hadn't gotten caught, she would have been praised. How was what she did different from what her dad did over and over again? And should she continue to stay silent the next time her dad lied?

Have you ever seen an adult or friend do something you felt wasn't right? What did you do?
No,but if I did,I would have told them to do the right thing.

 How did it make you feel?
It made me feel uncomfortable and confused.

Do you think Bernadette should try to talk to her Dad again about her lying at the movies?
If the father is unreasonable,she should not approach him.
But if the father is reasonable,she should approach him and discuss with him.

Who might Bernadette have hurt by cheating on her quiz?
She might have hurt the feelings and hopes of her teachers and family.

Bernadette's Dad said it was okay to be dishonest if no one was hurt. Who do you think might have been hurt by his lying at the movie ticket office?
The movie company and his children might have been hurt by him lying at the movie ticket office.

Have you ever felt like doing (or have you actually done) the "wrong thing" because you felt like it was worth it? Do you still feel that it was worth it?

Friday, March 25, 2011

eLearning CE : Activity 3 (Lincoln Chu Mesina,18)

  Kobe Bryant, with more than 25 highlights and awards in his 14 years of basketball career, wouldn't be possible without his remarkable leadership qualities. What traits does Kobe Bryant possessed ? Even since he started his basketball career in 1996, with Los Angeles Lakers, he got his first ever 'NBA rookie of the year' award with the help of the coach and team members. After 14 years, he still play for Los Angeles Lakers, never having a thought to play for a better team. This is what I call, Loyalty. Just Loyalty ? No, something much more important, Determination. 1996, Los Angeles Lakers was eliminated in the playoffs after losing Game 7 against Houston Rockets. However, Kobe Bryant led the team to train much harder for the playoffs the following year. At the age of 18, he proved himself worthy to be a leader by taking down the Sprite Slam Dunk competition and was named the youngest player ever in NBA to hold the status. I think a leader must possessed both determination and loyalty to be a good leader.

Information of Kobe Bryant taken from : 1. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Jurvis Tan (14)

What traits do they possess?
Great Leaders will equip themselves with unshakeable faith and unrelenting confidence in their power to make positive change/influence happen. They will not care what other say, they just do whatever needs to be done as well as they can humanly do it and the rest will take care of itself because it's impossible to build a tribute of success with a foundation of excuses. Whatever setbacks a leader faces, they will not resign to failure, they will bounce back with clear optimism. A good leader too does not blame anyone for anything.

How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?
Under stressful conditions a good leader will obviously not blame anyone in anyway. A leader will criticize his teammate accordingly with a feasible solution. Criticism is a good thing, it's a some level where someone criticizes you then you really learn, and when no one criticizes you, it only shows they do not care about what you do/say. A life without critcism should be one you're really gonna be worrying about. Leaders, again, do not give up so they will just bounce back from these stressful conditions with clear optimism. 

Leadership isn't about having power to lead, it's about making positive influence/change, every single one in the world can do that. It's what starts from yourself, that will really make a difference. 

eLearning CE: Activity 3 Cheng Hao En (10)

Steven George Gerrard is an English footballer who currently plays for Liverpool Football Club and the England National Team. He is the captain of Liverpool and the vice-captain for England. I think the traits of a good leader is that one must be inspirational. He must spur his players to do better, to aim higher. The leader, is a representation of any group, organisation or club. He is the face of the team. When people think about the team, he will be the first person that comes to mind for most people. So thus I think a leader should have discipline too. Setting a good example for other people to follow is an important thing, especially when you have a younger generation to look up to you and learn. The same thing can be applied to our school, with our juniors. 

To handle things in a stressful situation is not easy. To be composed, to be relaxed. Back in 2005, in the UEFA Champions League final against AC Milan in Istanbul, Liverpool were 3-0 down at half time. Being the captain, Steven Gerrard had to do something. Even as a leader, there is no one man show, where everything can be handled by yourself. I think a leader has to inspire the people around him to do better, to fight till the very end. He scored the first goal for Liverpool to make it 3-1. Subsequently, it inspired his teammates, and they fought back to level the score 3-3, and went on to win the final in the following penalty shootout. They became the champions of Europe, for the fifth time in their history. 

What I really think is that, at the end of the day, even if you are inspirational, you still must be able to show it to others how it's done. Being a leader, you must have the capabilities, the skills to do things. Being intelligent, humble, and willing to learn from other people who are better than you. If you cannot handle things, why should people follow you? 

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Benz Kew (09)

A good leader will have these traits:

Balanced Persona
, Team Oriented, Just and Impartial, Good Listener, Be a Role Model and Not the Boss, Confidence in Yourself and the Ones Whom You Work With, Communication Skills, Focus (Do not get distracted), Taking Responsibility and Ownership, Approachable, Believes in Follow Up.

For me, a good leader is able to take action and having the initiative than just plain talking. The leader must consider others to him as his/her plan may not be fair against other people and this may cause a quarrel. Every single person in the team will have a chance to give their responses on how they feel. A good leader must also accept that if a person scolds you from the team for not doing the job well, so the leader will improve on his pros and try to reduce his cons. He or she must have the thinking of "Volunteering instead of people forcing you to be the leader", or no one will be able to do a job well. A good leader must not be bossy, as this may cause an unfairness in the team (e.g. The leader commands people to do things but he/she does not do anything). He/she is also able to understand one another and change their bad points.

I think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations by analyzing the situation before they act and stay calm. Crying, Throwing tantrums at people, Complaining, Showing fury at other people will not solve the problem, instead making matters worse. A good leader must always find a way to solve it instead of escaping it, so the situation cannot ever be solved. There are always problems faced by a leader, it depends how they handle them and a good leader must always have a good foresight of what will be going on before acting. (e.g Watching a movie, book the place online before it gets full rather than getting to the cinema and book on that day).


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Darryl Lam (11)

What traits do they possess?

Leaders must have good vision.

This is like creating a goal for your company if you are the boss of the company. For a company you must ask the workers for their own vision of the company, then the leader would b able to come out with a vision that all of them would agree.

Leaders must have passion

You must have passion to do something. If you do not have passion then you would not be motivated to do what you want

Leaders must make good decisions

Leaders must always make major decisions that will either affect the company or the country. Leaders must create a list of pros and cons for the decisions.

To be a leader to make good decisions you can use this:


Q = Quick. Be quick but not hasty.

C = Committed. Be committed to your decision but not rigid.

A = Analytical. Be analytical, but don't over-analyze (Too much analysis can cause paralysis.)

T = Thoughtful. Be thoughtful about all concerned, but don't be obsessive.

Leader must be a good team leader

The leader must be able to motivate the team when the team or the people under you is facing a crisis.

Darryl Lam

eLearning CE: Activity 3 Teo Yi Lin (07)

Some traits of a good leader are as follow:
Not Bias - A leader will only gain the trust of his or her followers if he or she is not bias because only then will the followers believe that the leader they chose is a good leader.
Have Responsibility - A good leader must have responsibility, nobody wants a leader who doesn't take responsibility of his or her work.
On Task - If the leader is not on task, nor will the followers. Thus, being on task is very important to being a good leader.
Confidence - Being confident and believe that he or she can lead is important. If he or she does not believe in himself or herself, she will not be able to lead well.
Knowledgable - A leader which is knowledgable about the topic he or she is doing will be able to guide his or her followers.

How does a good leader manage crisis under stressful conditions?
A good leader will not flare up at his or her own subordinate under any circumstances. A good leader will keep calm and think of what to do next and tell his or her plans to his or her subordinate.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 Teoh Yun (08)

An ideal leader needs to be initiative in order to start a group discussions with his or her members, being optimistic(positive) at all things, and having the will to never give up no matter how bad the situation might seem. A leader also needs to be responsible for his or her own personal actions. Listening to what members have to say, recognizing their strengths would greatly help in the communication between a group and to do that, they need a fun-loving leader.

I think that a good leader would share the problem with the group members and analyze the problem with them since different people have different views and the leader's view is not always the best. He or she will also listen to their suggestions to solve the crisis attentively then he or she will "consolidate" all their suggestions and create an accurate solution for the crisis that is occurring.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Christopher Nah (19)

The leader I choose to share about is Mother Teresa. A brief introduction would be she was a great leader that was internationally famed as a humanitarian and advocate for the poor and helpless. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and India's highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna (Awarded for the highest degrees of national service), in 1980 for her humanitarian work. For over 45 years she ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying, while guiding the Missionaries of Charity's expansion, first throughout India and then in other countries.

The traits that I think "good" leaders possess are focus, responsible and caring. 

For being a focused leader, it is very important when a leader wants to achieve his or her goals, as an unfocused leader would never be able to lead the team towards their goals, be it the goal of the organization or the goals of the individual team members. Being focus would ensure the team can avoid crisis and stressful situations especially heavy workload. A focused leader would also help the team to manage efficiently in times of crisis. A leader is like the captain of the ship, if the captain is not focused and clear in where he needs to go, the whole ship will end up being lost! 

For being responsible, I think it is a crucial and essential trait for a good leader to possess. A person who is scared to take responsibility and ownership for not only his work but also for his or her team members can never prove to be a successful leader. So one of the most important traits of a good leader is the ability to take responsibility for himself and those who work with him. At times of crisis or under stressful situations, he would need to make responsible decisions and continue to guide the team efficiently.

For being caring, it is personal but I think for a leader to be "good" he needs to be caring, for himself and also for his team, to ensure the mental and physical wellbeing of every individual of the team and that the team is always together as one and not split individuals. This would also ensure the team remain solid and stable at times of crisis or under stressful situations or workload. Being caring would also mean he would need to influence the team in such a way that is effective, but also morally upright and ethical at the same time. (From my definition, this means a good-at-heart leader, greatly differentiated from successful leader.)



Yours sincerely,
Christopher Nah

elearning CE: Activity 3 - Jasper Phang (13)

Traits of good leader
Honest — Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your actions.
Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust.
Competent — Base your actions on reason and moral principles. Do not
make decisions based on childlike emotional desires or feelings.
Forward-looking — Set goals and have a vision of the future. The
vision must be owned throughout the organization. Effective leaders
envision what they want and how to get it. They habitually pick
priorities stemming from their basic values.
Inspiring — Display confidence in all that you do. By showing
endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina, you will inspire
others to reach for new heights. Take charge when necessary.
Intelligent — Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.
Fair-minded — Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice is the
enemy of justice. Display empathy by being sensitive to the feelings,
values, interests, and well-being of others.
Broad-minded — Seek out diversity.
Courageous — Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of
the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident calmness
when under stress.
Courageous — Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless
of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident
calmness when under stress.
Straightforward — Use sound judgment to make a good decisions at the right time.
Imaginative — Make timely and appropriate changes in your thinking,
plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new and better
goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Be innovative!

Example of Leader:
Mohandas K. Gandhi, known to most of the world as Mahatma Gandhi,
changed the world with his fight for peace, fairness, and equality. He
taught the world that violence is not the only way to create change.
Through his own example he showed the world that non-violence is the
best way to create change and that anyone, no matter who they are, can
create change through strength of character and perseverance.

How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?
I think that the leader must not focus on how stressed up he or she
is. But to use that time, not to complain about how stressed he is,
but to think of a way to motivate the team so that they can get the
work done. This is an example of what a good leader would do.
Source: NIL (self-written)

eLearning CE: Activity 3 KJ Shakti (15)

  The leader I am going to write about is Lee Kuan Yew. He is known as a Singaporean hero and led Singapore to its glory.

   Mr. Lee Kuan Yew turned Singapore from a third country to one of the most active and vibrant cities in the world. He lived in an average family and did very well in all his studies. He was one of Singapore's role models.

   Mr. Lee was determined. Without his sheer determination he would not have been able to make Singapore progress let alone in such as short time frame of 50 years.He pushed through all hurdles and managed to make Singapore what it is today. Most amazing is that he is still pushing boundaries to make Singapore a top notch country.

  Mr. Lee was also believes in his cause. He does not just do all this for fame and glory but he does it to really better the lives of Singaporeans everywhere. He has made sure all of us have homes and education. Without him Singapore could have never turned out to be such a wonderful and sercure place to live in.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Idris (22)

Adolf Hitler

Hitler is a great leader of British in 1930's. Although he did not treated the citizens well at that time, he had a very good leadership skills. He was able to take total control of the country in late 1930's. With his skills, he was able to take good decisions and get almost all the citizen to support him follow his orders very precisely. He get all the supports he needed by making people to believe in him and he had been making the country a better one.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Jaime Pang (04)

An ideal leader is one who is able to make decisions fast (decisive), be able to take risks (daring),be able to persevere (persistent),be able to speak the truth (honest),be able to communicate with others easily and one that is able to understand the people working for him (understanding).

During stressful situations,I feel that a good leader will be able to arrange the roles for their members and collaborate all the work.He should be one that is able to persevere instead of one that will give up and leave his team on their own.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Priyanka (05)


Gandhi practised and advocated non-violence and truth, even in the most extreme situations.

He set the precedent for civil disobedience, passive resistance, or non-violent struggle to attain a goal.

Ambitious- Gandhi always had something planned, no matter what event or activity was planned. For example, he decided to lead the salt march within about four seconds. He wanted to show the British that Indians were capable of providing for themselves without their aid.\

Thoughtful- He was almost always thinking about something. Sometimes it was about other people, and sometimes it was about a plan. Each time he made a preparation, he thought quickly, but hard.

How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?

He used this philosophy throughout his life to protest against the abuse of the Indian people in South Africa and later the injustices committed by the British against his fellow countrymen in his native India.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Tay Pei Shan (06)

What traits do they possess?


They make themselves visible by walking around and striking up conversations so that it'll make them approachable and amiable. By doing so people would be on good terms with them and would listen to them.


 People want to know what to expect from you and if you are inconsistent, you wouldn't be reliable, then people would lose their trust in you.


Leaders initiate conversations to help find better solutions. Asking questions is a great way to initiate conversations. They accept suggestions from everyone.


 Leaders influence other people with the tone they set and confidence. Confidence is contagious; so is the lack of it. People would mirror the tone they set and they encourage people.


Leaders accept challenges as well as successes. If an group member makes a mistake, it is their responsibility to help him or her improve. People will never respect a leader who deflects criticism toward the team. Leaders think of themselves as "we," not "I." It is a their responsibility to ensure that everyone shares in the team's success.


The most important characteristic of a leader is being a good listener. Leaders focus on the needs of their people. Often people feel afraid of, or intimidated by, management. Leaders make sure they show people you are willing to listen to what they have to say, that they are important and worthy of your time.


Most people care more about recognition from peers than about money. When somebody performs well, they let him or her know.


 Leaders clearly convey their message in a way that connects with the listener. They understand that you tailor your message to the needs of each worker.


 Leaders have fun in the process. There is no need to get very serious to do something well. Lightness can complement the seriousness of the job.

Example of a good leader:

Martin Luther King wanted equal rights for everyone as at that point of time, "black" people were discriminated by the "white" people. He wanted them to have freedom. He also made a speech "I had a dream" which was very inspirational. 
[From general knowledge]

Source : [I edited mine]

How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?

A good leader would calmly handle the situation. He/she would analyse the situation and see what needs to be done, then he/she would finish whatever that has to be done. While doing so, He/she would help encourage those that are on the verge of giving up and he/she would say good things to help motivate the people so that they can handle the stress and continue doing their job, as moral support to his/her peers. By doing so, his/her peers would not feel as disheartened by all the stress and submit a lousy piece of work.

[My own answer]

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Carisa Chan (01)

The leader I'm going to talk about is Mother Teresa. Some of the traits Mother Teresa possessed was selflessness and drive for her ambition. Selflessness is very important because if the leader is selfish and does not care for the group or people, the group will also be very selfish and only care about themselves and not each other. Doing a task well is very important to her, and she may labor over minute details that others would not bother with. Mother Teresa strives for accuracy, efficiency and precision. A good leader would not panic under stressful situations and will stay calm and try to think of solutions because the leader influences the rest of the people and if the leader panics, the people will also panic.


eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Lionel Lim (17)

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
He stood up to the truth, not caring whether anyone would follow him. To fight against tyranny, he led a mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon a belief on total nonviolence. Gandhi eventually helped India gained its independece and became a role model, inspiring civil rights and freedom across the world. Gandhi's traits are that he stood to the truth, stuck to it no matter how much others disagreed with it, and because of that, Gandhi eventually inspired freedom across the world. A good leader manages crisis in stressful situations by sorting out his or her thoughts and planning before making a move as a mistake in those situation could cause the group the leader is in charge of a lot a trouble. Only then, will others choose to follow him

eLearning CE: Activity 3 Teng Zheng Jie (23)

Improving leadership skills allows for advancement within a company and increases the performance of those with whom you work. As a leadership communications coach, I have created a new program, "Grade Yourself as a Leader," in which I have identified 22 traits that successful leaders possess. Following is an overview of those traits. Which ones do you need to work on to reach your next level of leadership?

Visible - By circulating around the workplace, you will appear more approachable and available. Take advantage of every opportunity to interact with co-workers. Be supportive of others and try to help out with the little things. Walk into the bay area and have a brief conversation as you help a co-worker with a customer's car. Management By Wandering Around (MBWA) works! Make sure to practice visibility upward as well as downward.

Consistent - Don't be a tyrant one day and a pussycat the next. Flip-flopping between styles confuses employees. Stick with one style of leadership. Those who look to you for leadership must know what to expect on a daily basis. Also, make decisions consistently. It is important not to bring personal feelings to the workplace. When dealing with employees, stay focused on the situation or issue, not on the person. We connect with some workers better than others. Try not to let the relationship taint your response. Treat all employees equally. Enforce company policies fairly. It is more difficult with the co-workers who are different from you.

Initiate - Try initiating conversations to help find better solutions. Asking questions is a great way to initiate conversations. Try asking open-ended questions. For example: "What can we do better as a company?" Don't always dictate change. Initiate change by creating an atmosphere where creative juices can flow freely. Encourage suggestions for improvement. Set out a suggestion box and reward good suggestions. Continually strive to get better.

Positive - You set the tone for your environment. An optimistic attitude from a leader can carry over to others. What type of tone are you setting at the shop? Is it one of optimism or one of pessimism? Confidence is contagious; so is the lack of it. Employees mirror the tone that leaders set. Be an encourager.

Responsible - Leaders accept challenges as well as successes. If an employee makes a mistake, it is your responsibility to help him or her improve. Employees will never respect a leader who deflects criticism toward the team. Successful leaders think of themselves as "we," not "I." It is a leader's responsibility to ensure that everyone shares in the team's success.

Listen - The most important characteristic of a leader is being a good listener. Focus on the needs of your employees. Often people feel afraid of, or intimidated by, management. Make sure you show people you are willing to listen to what they have to say, that they are important and worthy of your time.

Open the doors of two-way communication. Don't fall into the trap of telling others what to do without considering their opinions. No person - at any age - enjoys being told what to do. Even if you know the answer, listen respectfully and hear out a question. This will help you open up communication between you and the workers.

Recognize - Most people care more about recognition from peers than about money. When an employee performs well, let him or her know. Each day, give five sincere compliments to various workers in your section. Be on the lookout for something they did well and give them a bit of praise. Happy people give better customer service. Create awards and rewards of good customer service.

Communicate - Good leaders are good communicators. They clearly convey their message in a way that connects with the listener. Good leaders understand that you tailor your message to the needs of each worker. If someone is analytical, construct your message focusing on facts and data. If someone is more relational, construct your message in a way that conveys emotion and focuses on how the change impacts people.

Fun - A successful leader has fun in the process. Lightness can complement the seriousness of the job. A fun environment doesn't indicate a lack of professionalism. In fact, a fun environment contributes to the team's results and retention. Are you a fun leader?

A leader can work under stressful situation that causes them to be composed, to react fast in the best, most suitable and substantial way.       

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Cheng Hao En (10)

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Nur Shamemi (03)

Barack Obama

Barack Obama is one who delivers what he promises. He is a man of his word and shows resilience, from being an average boy, to the 44th President of the United States of America. He is the man who is responsible for America, and has done a fine job managing the country so far. He is the first African-American president of America, which shows that he influences the whole of the country of the equality between white and black men. He is a man of passion who truly cares for the well being of his nation, and does not work just for the sake of getting paid.

-No citations ( everything based on general knowledge )-

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Koh Su En (02)

Lee Kuan Yew is Singapore's first Prime Minister which governed for three decades. He is currently a Senior Minister and is highly respected. Lee Kuan Yew traits are that he is a good leader that guides the people to the correct direction, and that he is thoughtful and thinks about the country all the while. He has the never-say-die attitude and his faith in himself and the people is what brought us here today. A good leader, to me, manages crisis under stressful situations by doing the things that they like, to chill themselves down first before sitting down and calmly go through the situation again. Then after analysing the situation, the leader shall make his/her stand and support/lead/convince others to follow. Just like how he gave moral support in our deepest times and help to build up the Singapore that we know today. 

Reference to:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

2011 eLearning Week: Instructions for ACTIVITY 3

Research on lives of a leader.
  • What traits do they possess?
  • How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?
Submission of Work 
  1. Post your research in the blog (as shown in the googlesite) via email.
    • The class Character Education blog is newly created. You have not been invited as a co-author yet.
  2. Craft your research findings in an email.
    • Cite the resources that your referred in at the end of the write-up.
  3. Set the Subject title of the email to be: eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Your Name (Reg number)
    • Example: eLearning CE: Activity 3 Timothy Tan (25)
  4. Email your research to the email address given in the Googlesite.
    • Your post will be published automatically on this class Character Education's blog.