Wednesday, March 23, 2011

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Benz Kew (09)

A good leader will have these traits:

Balanced Persona
, Team Oriented, Just and Impartial, Good Listener, Be a Role Model and Not the Boss, Confidence in Yourself and the Ones Whom You Work With, Communication Skills, Focus (Do not get distracted), Taking Responsibility and Ownership, Approachable, Believes in Follow Up.

For me, a good leader is able to take action and having the initiative than just plain talking. The leader must consider others to him as his/her plan may not be fair against other people and this may cause a quarrel. Every single person in the team will have a chance to give their responses on how they feel. A good leader must also accept that if a person scolds you from the team for not doing the job well, so the leader will improve on his pros and try to reduce his cons. He or she must have the thinking of "Volunteering instead of people forcing you to be the leader", or no one will be able to do a job well. A good leader must not be bossy, as this may cause an unfairness in the team (e.g. The leader commands people to do things but he/she does not do anything). He/she is also able to understand one another and change their bad points.

I think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations by analyzing the situation before they act and stay calm. Crying, Throwing tantrums at people, Complaining, Showing fury at other people will not solve the problem, instead making matters worse. A good leader must always find a way to solve it instead of escaping it, so the situation cannot ever be solved. There are always problems faced by a leader, it depends how they handle them and a good leader must always have a good foresight of what will be going on before acting. (e.g Watching a movie, book the place online before it gets full rather than getting to the cinema and book on that day).


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